Wednesday, January 21, 2009

Moly Extravaganza!

Lets see now.. I have in my possession the journals belonging to Kathrin, Olya, and today I also received Anna's! They all look fantastic! Thank you Marty for the funny postcards you send me in the packages, they live on my wall :D
I have my work cut out, and am going to make a start today. So don't worry, they are safe and sound - and I'll try to send them separately during the next few weeks so Anna can work in them one by one :)

Hope you're all having a lovely start to the new year!

Heidi x


Kathrin said...

Great to hear from our Molys, thank you for the feedback!
My summary:

HEIDI's Moly is on the way to LAU
KATHRIN's Moly is at HEIDI
OLYA's Moly is at HEIDI
JENNY's Moly is at OLYA
LAU's Moly is on the way to JENNY
MARTY's Moly is at LAU

Ahead by a nose (only one entry left before going home) are the Moly's from Anna Denise, Jenny, and Marty.

All correct?


Ollif said...

HI dear all!
Kathrin thanks for the update! For me everything is true-I have Jenny's book at the moment, and space for only 2 entries-mine and Jenny's =(