Wednesday, April 9, 2008

My entry in Marty's journal

Apologies for the delay... been trying to sort my life out since my laptop died (taking much artwork with it!)
Here's my entry in Marty's moly 'people in your neighbourhood'... it will be flying over to Anna Denise within a couple of days :)

Happy doodling!


Marty Harris said...

Heidi, thanks for the great narrative. Reminds me of the Philadelphia neighborhood I lived in during college. I actually miss it quite a lot these days. You've given me a change of scenery from the one I see from my cage.


Ollif said...

Heidi, that's amazing continuation of Marty's drawing! Cool! And very funny (=

Anna Denise said...

Awwww no laptop? I'd die. Last summer my old iBook died and I didn't really have any money to buy a new one...

...I lasted exactly one week before I went to pay my dad a little visit and... begged begged begged for a loan.

So I feel your pain. Hope you've gotten a new one by now! The entry is amazing!!! In person it's even better!