Wednesday, April 30, 2008

A lot of work is coming..

Thanks Jenny, beautiful package, amazing drawings (yours and from Ollif!) and so sweet candy (I've taken one, the rest continue across the world)!


Kathrin said...

What a nice picture! I'm sure that your cute cat was really convinced that the sweets are for her. ;-)

lau said...

yes! In my home she's who does the quality control..!

Anna Denise said...

Hooray! Good luck with all the work, I can't wait to see what you'll make in all the books!

Marty Harris said...

I get a little blue when the exchange quiets down, or when I'm only doing busy work and I'm not drawing. Then, I see a picture like this or get a package in the mail, and I am renewed. Gotta love this project. Thanks, Lau. Thanks, All.

behappynow said...

what a fantastic pictures!!!! Thanks Lau and good luck!!! Cant wait what you will do there!!!! :)

Ollif said...

Lau, you are lucky- you will have 3 Molies at once!
Hi Kitty(=