Sunday, August 31, 2008

Lau's Moly is Finished

Hi ladies and Marty!
2day I finished my entry into Lau's Moly. Bears bears bears))))

I counted the sheets left and it turned out that the Moly will be finished by Lau herself-so two entries only are left. Sad =( are we going to buy new Molies and have the second rotation with our group?? I'd love to.


Anna Denise said...


behappynow said...

this is great!!! is it hte first moly that going to be end?!

lau said...

I love it..!
And I love polar bears too..!

Marty Harris said...

Absolutely darling, as usual, Olya.

It is a gorgeous day here in Minneapolis. I wish we could all meet for lunch today. How about Mexican food and margaritas?

Anonymous said...

I LOVE LOVE LOVE this exchange. I just happened to stumble across you work while viewing a link at Illustration Friday. How would I go about signing up for something like this, if you were to start a new exchange?