Sunday, February 17, 2008

Anna Denise's Moleskine: 'Stories'

Hey girls and guy!

I worked on the first few pages of my Moleskine today!

I drew and wrote about my hometown, Utrecht. I love that city (although I have left it many a times and will leave it soon again), mainly because it's so old and has lost of stories to tell. I love hearing stories. So... that's going to be the theme of my Moleskine. Stories. You can take this with as much liberty as you like, or just disregard it entirely, hehe. Just have fun.

I might want to rework some parts of my entry, but I will e-mail everyone once I send it onto Kathrin!

Love, Anna Denise


Kathrin said...

Anna Denise, what a great start for your molesekine, congratulations. Your drawing is soooo awesome!

Ollif said...

I will support the idea of telling the stories in your Moly with pleasure!